Monday, July 23, 2007

I have two homes but not two hearts

I am in the process of writing more things I just wanted to write something to keep up with the blog. I am in the process of moving out of one apartment and into another so I don't have lots of time to be writing on here but I thought I would keep up while I still have a phone line. Moving is much harder work than I remember! I have a lot more things than I thought I had and this has become an exhausting process! Luckily I am only moving a block away. Anyhow, I will be writing more of my usual stuff and more poetry will be added. Life has been mostly busy lately so there hasn't been much time to dwell on anything else really. Which in reality has been a really good thing. Keeping my mind off of stuff has been for he better. I start school a week from today and I have many mixed feelings about that. I don't know what else to write these are not very interstning blog posts, I will post more content later I must go unpack things in the new place now!

1 comment:

Beginning with "B" said...

so. can/should i put this one in my blogroll?


I never knew you moved..or expanded, know what i mean!

(blush, again*)
